Address & Contact
Our Address
Villa Saint Martin, 21269 Gouin Blvd. W., Pierrefonds, QC H9K 1C1 | Wickham Centre, 5621 Canterbury St., Montreal, QC H3T 1S8
Your hub of local Catholic people.
Fr. Kevin Kelly, SJ – Executive Director
Mary Ohanessian – Registrar
Geraldine Mereb – Administrative Assistant
For over 100 years the Ignatian Spirituality Centre of Montreal has encouraged experiences of encounter, communion, interiority, accompaniment, and formation to help people discover their spiritual paths and to flourish. Rooted in the Ignatian spirituality tradition, the ISCM has helped people deepen their spiritual life through spiritual accompaniment, the Spiritual Exercises and Ignatian prayer, and retreats. We also provide training and ongoing formation for spiritual directors / accompaniers. We foster the growth of faith communities by offering parish programs, days of reflection, and workshops in both French and English at two locations in the Greater Montreal area.
Villa Saint Martin, 21269 Gouin Blvd. W., Pierrefonds, QC H9K 1C1 | Wickham Centre, 5621 Canterbury St., Montreal, QC H3T 1S8
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